This is sad, as she has been such an amazing competitor, facing struggles and injuries, and repeatedly getting up and going on. As an endurance runner, she has shown remarkable endurance over the long haul.
I have been struck by how many of those who are competing in the present Games have commented that this has been their focus for the last 12 years. That cannot be said by those Gold Medal winning swimmers who are only 15 or 16! But competing at this level requires astonishing commitment and training.
The contrast between the endurance shown by so many serious athletes, artists, musicians and actors and the rest of us who watch and are entertained is striking. Our 'instant' culture hasn't made it easy for us to develop the toughness shown by many in a previous generation.
There is so much in the New Testament reminds us that followers of Jesus are going need to develop endurance and perseverance, if we are to make it to the finishing line. On Sunday, Chris focused on the words from James. 'God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterwards they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.' (James 1.12) St. Paul also made this same point again and again. 'We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.' (Romans 5.3-4)
It seems that the Lord's way to train us to develop endurance and patience is to keep piling on pressures, which we find very uncomfortable. We often pray that the Lord would remove the problems - as it upsets our plans - but in His love for us, He sees that a godly character is more important.
While these weeks may be 'holiday' periods, every day is a chance for us to be be shaped by Jesus. I pray that I will learn what He wants to teach me today.
Best wishes,