The average British person eats 2 or 3. But we are relentlessly told that if we do not want to die young, we should eat 5 or more. Today's news carries confirmation that eating 5 a day will do us good.
Fruit and veg consumption is therefore good for our health and it seems an obvious thing to do.
Yesterday, the St. Andrew's Mission Team were planting fruit trees around the site of the new school being built by their host organisation. Each tree was also going to have a marker, to say who it was who planted the tree.
It will take time, of course, before those trees produce life-enhancing fruit for the children of future generations. But it is wonderful to think that people from our Church have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others, all in the name of Jesus.
The last chapter of the last book in the Bible, John's Revelation, has a wonderful image of fruitful trees.
'Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It flowed down the centre of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.' (Revelation 22.1-2)
This wonderful tree, the tree of life, brings that life to people relentlessly - every month of the year. And even the leaves are wonderful, bringing healing to the sick and dying nations of the world.
Those who read that prophetic book in the earliest days will have immediately seen that the 'tree of life' is a reference to the Cross of Calvary, on which Jesus died.
It is through his death, and victory over death revealed in the resurrection, that we may know life that is true life. Unlike ordinary fruiting trees, this tree is 'in season' all year. And it is good to see, in our own church, that people are coming to know and experience that life-transforming life of Jesus in their own lives.
As I look out on the broken world - Gaze, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Southern Sudan and many other places - I pray that God's healing love may come, and that the life of Jesus may be known.
That is even more important than eating your own 'Five a Day'!
Best wishes,