Friday, 1 March 2013

So What?

News pundits, following the Eastleigh by-election, will continue to pick over the result to see important messages and lessons and all sorts of other stuff. 
And news about fiscal cliffs in the US, and troubles in Italian politics, as well as terrible events in South Africa (police brutality), the civil war in Syria and troubles in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Russia and many other places may make us wonder 'So What?'
Many people I know find that the news fills them with fear and worry, and they feel helpless to do anything about the daily onslaught. As we hear the news, from 'out there', we have our own lives to live. 
Do we have to be passive consumers of news information, victims of the whims and choices of the editors, or can we respond differently, because we are disciples of  Jesus?
St. Paul, writing from prison in Rome, and with major events happening around him, has a surprising message to his friends in Philippi, in far off Macedonia.
'And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.' (Philippians 4.8,9)
What we watch and hear does have an effect on our lives - images and stories stay with us - for good or ill. But we can have an editorial reaction to what we watch, and we can choose to limit our intake. 
We can also learn to turn what we watch into prayer, as we focus on the people in the news. And we can resist the pressures around us to judge and condemn the people in the news, based on flimsy evidence. 
All those we see are people loved by God, and we can pray for their good. That certainly helps me from wanting to punch a few noses!
Best wishes,

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