Wednesday, 17 April 2013


Today's funeral of Baroness Thatcher will be well covered by the media. Her life and death have provoked an astonishing range of responses, with a passion which has astonished many. She divided people in their reaction to her.
But Jesus remarked to his own followers, Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.' (Luke 6.26) To be a significant leader of others requires the toughness to stick to the task in hand, and Margaret Thatcher was certainly tough. Sadly, many are the followers of Christ who don't have this toughness, and who try to please everyone, and end up denying their Master. Peter would know that.
In life and in death, Jesus himself divided opinions. 
At his own death, one thief was apparently unrepentant, while the other prayed, '“Jesus, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23.42-43)
The world is deeply divided over many issues. The weakest and most vulnerable are treated appallingly, in all societies. And yet Jesus came to bring hope and life to such. Not everyone believes that Jesus can make a difference. But I do. It is clear which side of the divide I am on. Are you clear where you stand?
Therefore, I need to remember which side of the divide I am on, particularly with reference to Jesus and his mission to bring hope and life to the broken people of our world. That is where my energy needs to go, rather than in spending too much time trying to say something clever about Margaret Thatcher.
Best wishes,

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