Friday, 24 May 2013

Religious Freedom

The brutal attack on a British soldier by two Muslim extremists in Woolwich on Wednesday has sent shock waves throughout our nation. 
Already, organisations such as Woking People of Faith, representing many faith groups, have produced their statements condemning this violence. This indicates that diverse communities can live together in a society which values religious freedom.
On the other side, both the English Defence League have also had their worst fears confirmed, and the leader of the now banned, al-Muhajiroun organisation, Anjem Choudary, has failed to condemn the violence of the two suspects.
Religious freedom presupposes that people are free to practice their religion without being harassed and attacked by people with different views. 
But religious freedom does not assume that everyone believes that all religions are equally true or valid. 
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I have often told by my Muslim friends that they wish that I would become a Muslim. I respond by saying that I wish they would all become followers of Jesus. We remain friends, deeply committed to our different faiths.
Jesus was quite clear that not all choices are good for us. 'The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.' (John 10.10)
One sad feature of the events on Wednesday is that Michael Adebolajo has been described as coming from a devout Christian family. Choosing to leave behind such a heritage has consequences which are serious, even when it doesn't hit the headlines. In response to these events, may we all be Christ-like in our generosity to those who have not yet discovered the 'rich and satisfying life' that Jesus is offering.
Best wishes,

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