Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Abu Hamza was finally found guilty in New York for his involvement in the kidnapping of tourists in Yemen. 
Credit Suisse Bank was also found guilty of enabling wealthy Americans to avoid paying tax.
And no doubt there have been many other high profile court cases in which guilty verdicts have been handed down. Sentences will vary, according to the crimes and the charges.
In most cases, the general public is happy to see convicted criminals getting punished, particularly when there has been a lot of publicity following the case. 
But what really struck me was the reminder that, in God's eyes, I am guilty of failing to live up to his standards. 
From our earliest days, we have all be self-obsessed to one degree or another. And yet the New Testament reveals a glorious fact. 'But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.' (Romans 5.8)
Paul goes further, as he describes God's overwhelming commitment to people like us. 'When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. And since we have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ, he will certainly save us from God’s condemnation. For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son. So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God. (Romans 5.6, 9-11)
So every time I hear a report from a court case, when someone is deemed to have been guilty, I will think back to what Jesus did for me, in his willing sacrifice on my behalf. My two reactions will be to be grateful to God for his mercy, and reflect that mercy has rescued me from condemnation.
Best wishes,

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