Monday, 2 June 2014


FIFA is facing an alarming situation, over allegations of bribery and corruption. 
The EU is wondering who will be the next President, to lead through these turbulent times. These are alarming time for the EU, its Parliament, member states and so on.
 And news from Ukraine and Syria and many other places can fill us all with alarm.
But I was also thinking of a different sort of alarms. 
I have just set my mobile phone to give me a regular reminder today, as an aid to helping me to remember that Jesus is with me. It didn't take me long to activate the settings on my phone, and now I will wait to see how this helps me. 
My expectation and desire is that the more I remember that Jesus is with me, the more I will want to please him.
St. Paul encouraged his friends in Colossae to live their lives in the light of Jesus. 'And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.' (Colossians 3.17)
This short verse covers everything that we do every day, from the very ordinary and habitual, to the special and difficult. My experience is that when I have remembered that I am actually living as a representative of the Lord Jesus, then I behave differently. Hence, with the aid of my repeated alarms, I should have more moments of keeping connected to Jesus and his will for my life. That should make a lot of difference.
If you also want to be more like the person Jesus made you to be, why not set your phone to remind you throughout the day too?
Let me know if you are also trying this experiment.
The results, in our own lives, may be very alarming! Wouldn't that be good.
Best wishes,

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