Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Pulling Together or Apart?

What is going to happen to Syria?
Will the USA and Russia manage to pull together, to bring a good outcome?
Can the Labour Party and the Unions pull together, or will they pull apart?
And what about families in crisis in our area? Is there hope of healing and a good future for those who are wrecking each other?
These questions go round my head in the dark hours.
At root, they all address deep seated issues of conflict and possible ways to bring good out of evil and life out of death.
Of course, in the ministry of Jesus, he constantly addressed impossible situations, and brought healing and hope, life and love. I often reflect on the time he was met by 10 men with a terrible skin condition. 'As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, he reached the border between Galilee and Samaria. As he entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” 
He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy.' (Luke 17.11-14)
It is striking that this event took place where Galilee and Samaria met - where communities were separated and divided. The group that spent their time together was a mixed group, for one was a Samaritan, brought together by their shared affliction. But Jesus doesn't give selective care to this group. They are all told to go to the priests, united in their need. But what strikes me most is the last comment - as they went, they were cleansed.
Jesus gave an instruction, which they all followed. They were pulling together. The result was they were all cleansed and healed. In this way, they were all contributing to their own restoration, because they all followed the instruction of Jesus.
Many of us see the same thing happening around us, as together we follow Jesus, and his directions for our lives. As we go on this journey, we too are cleansed and healed. Pulling together is the was forward.
If we stood still, demanding that Jesus do what we want, we would never find wholeness. Refusing to be changed is the way to be pulled apart.
I think this principle applies to most of the troubles and conflicts we see around us and within. Do you think this is true? Which route are you taking?
Best wishes,

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