Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Rescuing the Lost

I rescued a frog this morning!
As I drove the car from our garage this morning, before going swimming, I spotted a frightened frog, trying to hide in the dark corners of the garage.
I guess he had sought refuge there overnight, but during the day, if he stayed in the garage, he might well get squashed. He needed to be rescued!
So, I was able to catch him, and then return him to some nice undergrowth, where he could find plenty to eat, and at least survive another few days. I guess he knows where to find water too.
But in the garage, he was lost. I hope my action has helped to rescue him.
Jesus was often criticised by the religious and respectable people of his day, because he spent so much time with the marginalised and wrecked people in his neighbourhood. His didn't apologise for spending so much time with the lost people he encountered. He defended his approach robustly. 'For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19.10)
I am so glad that rescuing the lost was Jesus' priority in his ministry, because it has meant that people like me, who were far from God, and who didn't know why I was alive, or what was the purpose of life, might be rescued and found. 
To know Jesus' love and mercy, forgiveness and new life has transformed my life and countless others that I know.
So today, having rescued a frog, I look forward to carrying on with the ministry of Jesus, as I encounter people lost in countless different ways. Are you going to do that too?
Best wishes,

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