But when Jesus chose his followers, and told them to copy his example in their lives. We discovered this yesterday morning in our All Age worship.
The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Heal the sick, and tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now.’ (Luke 10.1-2, 9)
As Ed reminded us, to be chosen by Jesus is an astonishing privilege. Today, if we can live in the light of this fact - I am chosen by Jesus - it can transform the way I do everything.
What we do and how we do it will also be shaped by our careful attention to what Jesus did and how he did it.
He directed his chosen followers to copy his action with his attitudes. Therefore, we should pray for more people to join the 'Jesus team' as there is plenty of work to be done. So let us ask him to send more workers into his fields.
And like Jesus, our ministry involves both words - tell them, ‘The Kingdom of God is near you now - and actions - Heal the sick!
So today, we can recall this foundational reality, that we are chosen to copy Jesus.
When we live like that, we will be changed, others will be blessed and God will be glorified. That sounds like a 'win, win, win' result.
Best wishes,
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