Tuesday, 25 March 2014

First things First

When life is a muddle - the disappearance of an airliner, or the collapse of a mountainside - we hear people saying that the focus of action must be 'First things First'. 
We all understand that in the midst of a crisis some matters have to be left until later. Getting priorities clear and rightly addressed often means that difficulties can be better handled.
It is therefore distressing when, with the wisdom of hindsight, it becomes clear that due diligence was not paid, and that priorities we muddled. This appears to have happened in the cases of deaths at Deepcut barracks, or in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. Those in charge of investigations were looking in the wrong places.
Jesus challenged all of us to apply this principle in our own lives. 'Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.' (Matthew 6.33)
I guess that most of us struggle to keep the focus in our lives sharp and clear. There are so many conflicting demands and calls on our time, energy and resources. It seems impossible to maintain a determined commitment to put Jesus at the centre of our lives, however many time we may sing the song, 'Jesus, be the centre'! 
And yet, we can train ourselves and encourage one another in this relentless battle, so that increasingly we find our lives being re-shaped by the One we seek to serve. And then we can trust Him with all we are and all we have. When we get 'First things First', then God is glorified, others are blessed and we are amazed at God's goodness.
Best wishes,

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